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Twitter translations: Aiji's first Q&A

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Twitter translations: Aiji's first Q&A Empty Twitter translations: Aiji's first Q&A

Post by Chico Tue Mar 15, 2011 3:26 pm

These are earlier tweets (I provided the dates) and the first is Aiji's Q&A and the second is... a thing from Maya and it's definately worthed to know ;> I had it in my mind for so long and I really want to share it! Maya is more intriguing person that I thought~

Aiji’s Q&A 12.8.2010

(Because he got over 5000 followers he made a little Questions&Answers session via Twitter)

Maya: People! / Right now Senpai: “Maya look how cool I am.” Send him questions! / Hurry up! / He is still at 4th! / Everybody, listen well! / It’s still not too late! / Send! / C’mon! / Keep sending!

[Maya wanted to tease Aiji of course.]

1) Q: You seem busy every day and night, what is filling your days?

A: Recently my days are full of recordings and meetings.

2) Q: What is your favourite drink, recently?

A: This summer it’s Maple Highball [?] with maple syrup. It’s really cool!

3) Q: Recommend something delicious to eat, please.

A: Fukushima Peach that I received from fans at last fan event. It was seriously delicious.

4) Q: Have you seen some good movie recently? Can you recommend something?

A: I haven’t watched much recently, but as I wrote on my blog before ”ANVIL” is a nice one. ☆

5) Q: Will you come to Taiwan this year?

A: It’s still undecided, but we’ll take revenge from last year as soon as possible, so wait for it. Thanks. ☆

6) Q: What are your aspirations for the future?

A: Full attack! Now we have a lot of preparations in various ways, so please be ready for the results!

7) Q: How are you during this exhausting summer?

A: It really is exhausting, but I feel calm and healthy. It looks like there’ll be more hot days, so, it’s important to be careful.

8) Q: will LM.C be coming back to Singapore for a live?

A: Not yet no plan...but I hope to go to Singapore again.
See you soon!!( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

9) Q: What time is the best for you to write music?

A: I feel it best at night.

10) Q: You’ve performed in many foreign countries. Where was the most delicious food?

A: Japan… Honestly. I think in Tokyo you can eat the most delicious things. Well, it depends on taste, but that’s my opinion. ☆

[And then Aiji said thank you for the questions and he promised to do Q&A some time again]

★★★★★★★ translated by: Maczka&Chico ★★★★★★★

~If you wanna post our translations somewhere else or translate them to other language, feel free to do it, but please, credit and comment us~

Last edited by Chico on Sun Aug 14, 2011 10:18 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Twitter translations: Aiji's first Q&A Empty Re: Twitter translations: Aiji's first Q&A

Post by MAD_lambochan Sat Apr 02, 2011 5:11 am


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