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Twitter translations: ★#BKKGGL★

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Twitter translations: ★#BKKGGL★ Empty Twitter translations: ★#BKKGGL★

Post by Chico Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:45 pm

★For those who don't know. LM.C had to postpone last four lives from their TOUR2011 because of the earthquakes. So, Maya decided that instead of that we should listen together to the songs from setlists that have been prepared for the postponed concerts. All 4 common listenings were at the same time and day the postponed lives were supposed to be.
All fans who joined were tweeting under the tag “#BKKGGL” so LM.C was just going to that hashtag and reading what fans were writing.★
★That's what LM.C and supports were tweeting during all 4 common listenings:

15th of March 2011; common listening via Twitter in place of live in Toyama:

Well, it was basically Maya cheering. Shouting and saying things like: "Julietttt!" or "Tonight everyone is Juliet!".

Once Maya Wrote that he said to his mother that he will eat dinner later, because now he is during concert!

Also Maya wrote that he is seriously singing at home during listening with everybody.

Aiji wrote that he almost is able to see all 88 lights during 88 song.

Maya wrote he sees everyone'd voices under the tags and said thank you.

Rock, Rock the LM.C Maya made full volume.

At the end Maya wrote: "Thank you, Toyama is the best!" (because it was supposed to be concert in Toyama, as you all know, but it was cancelled.)


17th of March 2011 “Kanazawa”

So I will rewrite some things I've already translated to make it in order:
-Maya: "Ne~ ne~ May I change songs order?? #BKKGGL"
[Then he added in the middle of setlist 'my girl']

-Aiji:"Setlist changed!? I need to recreate the playlist quickly. (>_<)"
-Maya:"Cool. Complete midnight tension. #BKKGGL"
-Aiji:"Oh, I forgot the tag. Setlist changed!? I need to recreate the playlist quickly.(>_<)#BKKGGL"

[LM.C were cheering with support members a lot, just like before usual concert. 23 came and then showtime started. All fans along with LM.C started listening to the scheduled playlist!]

-Maya:"Parents' house, my room, midnight, pitch-darkness, playback explosion/full volume, visual-kei. Completely late rebellious age. #BKKGGL"

-Someone:"Izumi is not angry? #BKKGGL" -Maya:"Why, it's OK!"

-Maya:"The best. RT -Maya:Parents' house, my room, midnight, pitch-darkness, playback explosion, visual-kei. Completely late rebellious age.#BKKGGL"

-Maya:"Are you crazy??#BKKGGL"

[Then Maya did a misteake and shouted that it's “Julieeeeeet!” now. Lol. Then he realized that it is GHOST HEART really, not OH MY JULIET. And felt embarrassed…
Someone wrote that it was cute and we can forgive him the little misteake.
Aiji answered:”Don’t indulge him./(^o^)\!!”
Then Maya:„Indulge me more.\(^o^)/!!”
-Someone:”I’ll only give him candies (^ω^)”
–Aiji:”Hey, hey, hey[to scold this person](゚o゚;;

-Someone:"#BKKGGL is now at the 7th place hash tag ranking.(≧▽≦)"
-Maya:"It’s aiming to the top!"

-Maya:"Festival continues. #BKKGGL"


-DENKI_MAN:”Come on!/(^o^)/\(^o^)\/(^o^)//(^o^)//(^o^)/\(^o^)\/(^o^)//(^o^)//(^o^)/\(^o^)\/(^o^)//(^o^)//(^o^)/\(^o^)\/(^o^)//(^o^)/#BKKGGL"

-LMCstaff:”Can’t resist dancing!ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ ハイハイ!#BKKGGL"

-Someone:”What Maya stole?lol#BKKGGL”
–Aiji:”My Indy Jones DVD.”

-Aiji:”'Love me?'Is a good tune.I like.#BKKGGL”

-Maya:”88 light of Izumi-chan[Maya’s mother] #BKKGGL"

-DENKI_MAN:“For-get-? #BKKGGL„

-DENKI_MAN: "meteorion I like.#BKKGGL"

-Maya:"LM.C is the best.#BKKGGL"

[Here some fan wrote under the tag, that he forgot one song in the playlist.(。-_-。) Another fan was cheering him up and said it’s okey. Aiji wrote to that:“That’s right. To participate is the most important!”]

-Aiji:“May our 88 light reach everyone in north-east Japan!#BKKGGL”

-Maya:”I look forward to make the new the best.#BKKGGL”

-Maya:”It’s Friday.#BKKGGL”[when midnight passed]

-Someone:”I love LM.C’s songs so much, but especially ‘meteorion’ #BKKGGL"
–Aiji:”That’s a famous one. I remember when Maya send me the song with lyrics and I listened to it for the first time; I shivered.♪(´ε` )”

-Maya:"You’re all my girlfriends.#BKKGGL"

-Someone:”The Friday night started exactly when ‘my girl’ was played! That’s too awesome! Maya you’re the best#BKKGGL!
–Maya:”Didn’t I tell you, you can entrust it to me?” [Note: song tells a story about Friday night.]

-DENKI_MAN:”Attention to Senpai!!!![means Aiji] #BKKGGL"
-DENKI_MAN:”I can easily imagine the scene of live show. #BKKGGL”

-Someone to Maya:”Kya~Cool-looking guy!!!!#BKKGGL” –Aiji:”Eh? Where, where, where is a cool-looking guy? I can’t see any.”

-Maya:“I’m feeling extreme universe.#BKKGGL”

-Maya:“I entrust it to you all.#BKKGGL”

-Someone:”MAYA is a genius, I knew it.#BKKGGL”
–Maya:“I’m really sorry. Such a thing I’ll become.”

-Maya:”I shouted? #BKKGGL”
-Maya:“I heard! #BKKGGL”
-Maya:”Rrrright~ The last one~~~!!! #BKKGGL"

-Someone:”I’m listening to the live and just noticed there’re just 2 songs to the end! Like, what?! No shit!#BKKGGL"
–Other someone:”No way!(゚o゚;;"
–Aiji:”Me too."

-Maya:"What! This is the end(T_T) #BKKGGL"

-Maya:"Thank you! Kanazawa is the best!!!! #BKKGGL"

-Someone:“I feel those songs are growing better during Tour! With everyone! #BKKGGL”
–Aiji:”With more people we can make them better and better together!”

-LMCstaff:"Thanks for good work! #BKKGGL"

-Aiji:"Thank you Kanazawa! #BKKGGL"

-Maya:”Thanks for good work tonight. Right, now heading to Niigata. @Aiji_LMC@makkana_mACKAz @SASSYdrums @NomNom_GJ @DENKI_MAN_LMC@LMC_staff #BKKGGL#BKKGGL" [Note: They are all saying things like it was a real concert! I think it shows how sorry they are, because rest of Tour had to be cancelled! However,because the concert is on Twitter it's like LM.C is able to invite all world to concert in Kanazawa! Though they were sitting in front of their PCs]

[Here, Aiji and Maya were cheering about how hot this live on Twitter was.#BKKGGL]

-Maya:”Well, Entrust it to me. #BKKGGL"

-NomNom_GJ to DENKI-MAN:”AMAZING #BKKGGL, it seems to be on the 1st place in hash tag ranking!”

[And! Just like Maya said #BKKGGL was trending on 1st place!! ]

[At the end mACKAz said that he rocked so hard while listening that he probably bothered neighbours downstairs. Aiji replied him that he should go to the apartment under his and apologise.\(^o^)/
mACKAz replied:”Entryphone nr 5 – S.O.R.R.Y."
DENKI-MAN replied:”And escape! #BKKGGL”]


19th of March 2011 “Niigata”
-LMCstaff: Soon~ #BKKGGL

-LMCstaff: the ★BKK-GGL★ Niigata start soon!! Are you all ready to join? #BKKGGL

-DENKI_MAN: Suuuuu~~ (deep breath) #BKKGGL

-Aiji: I woke up! Just in time! Red Bull charge! So, Let’s go! Gandhara! #BKKGGL

-Maya: Updated blog ->「LM.C LIVE TOUR 2011。14」

-DENKI_MAN: Kicking off SE staaaarts!!!! #BKKGGL

-Maya: Awesome! There’s bright outside!! #BKKGGL

-Aiji: I’m singing the RMO[Rainbow Music Orchestra]. The voice material we did almost alone… Nostalgic. For no special reason a favourite song. #BKKGGL

-Maya: I’ve never said that, but when we’re entering stage while intro and DENKI is stepping before me, we often clash with each other and that’s annoying. #BKKGGL

-Aiji: Here goes Funny [@FUNNY PHANTOM@] ~!\(^o^)/ #BKKGGL

-Someone: I just came back home! Am I in time? #BKKGGL –DENKI_MAN: Are you in time?

-Someone: I was getting into subway, I’m late! #BKKGGL –DENKI_MAN: Hurry up!

-Someone: I wanted to try★BKK-GGL★on karaoke today, but there isn’t USB here so I can’t listen to it. orz #BKKGGL –DENKI_MAN: Imagine it!

-Someone: Loud night in Niigata is getting fired up. #BKKGGL –Aiji: Rise it~! No! Set it on fire~!

-Aiji: It’s been a while since I heard 'Boost' last time. It’s hot too~. Oh Yeah!! #BKKGGL

-Maya: And today is birthday of the person who is making Senpai’s guitars for many years now, and also made Maya’s CHEMICAL KING-TWOON guitar. ESP Hiroshima-san!! → @seizy8 There will be no LM.C without this person!! Everyone let’s keep getting crazy together!!!!☆#BKKGGL
-Aiji: Hiroshima, happy birthday ☆

-Maya: I forgot to take the horns. #BKKGGL

-SASSYdrums: Some of these songs I see for the first time on set list for this tour. (^^;; #BKKGGL
–Maya: So you will have to prepare the 'Boost Boosterz' [drums part]for the next time ♥

-Maya: Juliiieeeeeeee

-Maya: eet. #BKKGGL

-DENKI_MAN: Say yay, yay, yay, yay!!!! (^o^)v #BKKGGL

-DENKI_MAN: ha ha~~!! #BKKGGL

-Aiji: So, are we going to the Tenjuku!! ♪(´ε` ) #BKKGGL

-Maya: Let’s keep this superb scenery~ #BKKGGL

-DENKI_MAN: Long awaited Tenjuku time! #BKKGGL

-Someone: I’m happy (;_;) Too happy (;_;)That’s the best! Just hold on untill the end of May!
-Maya: Hold on together!!!

-Aiji: However, EDO is fantastic too… Famous tune. #BKKGGL

-DENKI_MAN: (人´∀`).☆.。.:*・゚#BKKGGL
/(^o^)/\(^o^)\/(^o^)//(^o^)//(^o^)/\(^o^)\/(^o^)//(^o^)//(^o^)/\ (^o^)\/(^o^)//(^o^)//(^o^)/\(^o^)\/(^o^)//(^o^)//(^o^)/\ (^o^)\/(^o^)//(^o^)/

-Aiji: The clean guitar A-melody of YASHA I’ve chimmed on iPad amplifier simulator. But this tune is another famous one!! (ノ *`ω´)ノ The flute part is cool! #BKKGGL

–Someone: Apple should expect an emissary from Aiji-senpai!
-Aiji: Thanks! More likely! I’d like to work for Apple! Lol.

-Someone: Why do you understand girl’s heart so much????? –Maya: It’s a mere talent.

-Aiji: The melody and arrangement of Blueberry too~.
♪(´ε` ) #BKKGGL

-Maya: 88 was also made in this room. #BKKGGL

-Aiji: Our song… May it be a prayer that will reach everyone who suffered from disaster… #BKKGGL

-Maya: 'Bokura no Mirai'. This song was also made in this room.


-Maya: Nagano is the best. #BKKGGL

-Maya: Bokura no Mirai. I will not tell you about it yet.

-Maya: I will not.

-Maya: Music and lyrics may be created after reading letters from fans.

-NomNom_GJ: Music of YASHA姫 is good. Also the story behind it. #BKKGGL is the best!!
-Aiji: Thanks!!!!

-Maya: JOHN, ne~. I’ve never said that, but from the interlude, I feel disconsolated seeing DENKI MAN running and playing around with other members. #BKKGGL
-DENKI_MAN: ♪~(´ε` )

-Aiji: The ringing-electronical sounds in JOHN are super cool.☆ That kind of sounds play a great role in LM.C. #BKKGGL

-Maya: Wonderful World. #BKKGGL

-Maya: I’ll say for the time being, #BKKGGL

-Maya: LM.C is the best. #BKKGGL

-Aiji: That reminds me playing 12 strings electric guitar in It’s a Wonderful Wonder World interlude… Sampling was too early; it was so hard to play 12strings guitar. #BKKGGL

-Someone: Thank you and Sorry, If I am able to say that honestly, I’ll see your smile more wonderful than yesterday. #BKKGGL
–Aiji: No doubt! Let’s live like that!

-DENKI_MAN: PUNKY the best of the best. #BKKGGL

-LMCstaff: All TEAMERs around the world are looking so happy!! #BKKGGL

-Maya: Awesome. #BKKGGL

-Maya: JOHN, ne~. I’ve never said that, but from the interlude, I feel disconsolated seeing DENKI MAN running and playing around with other members. #BKKGGL
-Aiji: Did you think so?...Me too.

-Maya: If you’re satisfied with this place, then hold your finger still and watch ME. #BKKGGL

-Aiji: I believe that going forward requires good laugh at the bad things. #BKKGGL

-DENKI_MAN: All for You!!! @maya_LMC @Aiji_LMC @makkana_mACKAz @SASSYdrums @NomNom_GJ @LMC_staff @seizy8

-Maya: Thanks, Niigata is the best!!!! #BKKGGL

-DENKI_MAN: It all・・・・finished・・・(ヽ'ω`) #BKKGGL

-Aiji: @maya_LMC @makkana_mACKAz @SASSYdrums @NomNom_GJ @DENKI_MAN_LMC @LMC_staff @seizy8 I’m tired tonight. Thank you Niigata ☆ #BKKGGL

-Aiji: Today we got over the physical distance, I was able to be connected with everybody. This is the best of the happiest ☆ #BKKGGL

-DENKI_MAN: Phew. I’ve made ‘togetter’ for Niigata too! 「LM.C ★BKK-GGL★ 新潟」


21th of March 2011 “Sapporo; FINAL”

-LMCstaff: Guys! Today's the tour final!! Did u check the setlist? Is ur playlist ready? It’s start@22:30 (JPN)! GET READY!! #BKKGGL

-Maya: Updated a blog 「Sapporo, Set List Confirmed. BAANG!」→
-DENKI_MAN: Fruity!!! ☆彡
-Maya: Thank you. I always feel support from you during live performances. Tonight… please, treat me favourably too. ☆彡
-DENKI_MAN: HeAAAAaaaaaAAAAA((((;゚Д゚)))))))
-Maya: (^_−)−☆

-LMCstaff: There’s infinite number of free tickets. Entering in the middle is OK too.

-LMCstaff: Everyone! 10minutes left! Please, prepare yourself!@maya_LMC @Aiji_LMC @makkana_mACKAz @SASSYdrums @NomNom_GJ @DENKI_MAN_LMC and all Teamers. #BKKGGL

-DENKI_MAN: Sapporo, cold.

-LMCstaff: 3 more minutes!! are you ready? #BKKGGL

-Aiji: Sapporo tour final! Will we go to Tenjuku today too!!? ψ(`∇´)ψ #BKKGGL

-Maya: It’s decided, you guys are all my Juliets for eternity.

-Maya: Are you screaming at the top of your lungs?

-Aiji: I’m flowing too early! ((((;゚Д゚)))))))

-Maya: On「MY name is~♪」did you all shouted my name properly??

-DENKI_MAN: Galileo is cool! Once again this feeling of speed. Kya~

-Maya: I need to go to the toilet.
-Maya: But I’m not going.

-Maya: I need to go to the toilet.
-Aiji: Now!?

-Maya: … should go during interlude…

-DENKI_MAN: My flute solo rocks!!!
-Maya: Will absolutely reappear on the transferred live in Sapporo. (^_−)−☆

-Maya: N-o-w-
-Maya: M・A・D!!

-MAD MAYA: Are you having fun in #BKKGGL ??

-Aiji: Tenjuku? Did we possibly arrived here?

-LMCstaff: Dance Dance!! #BKKGGL

-Maya: I’m doing flawless EDO dance to the music.

-LMCstaff: ┗(`o´)┓Uu┏(`○´)┛Ha┏(`o´)┓Uu┗(`O´)┛HoHo

-DENKI_MAN: /(^o^)/\(^o^)\/(^o^)//(^o^)//(^o^)/\(^o^)\/(^o^)//(^o^)//(^o^)/\(^o^)\/(^o^)//(^o^)/HoHon!/(^o^)/\(^o^)\/(^o^)//(^o^)/HoHoHoHo

-Maya: 88 real singing.

-LMCstaff: can hear everyone's singing all over the world!!! #BKKGGL

-DENKI_MAN: Meteorion, I made my room dark to listen to it.

-Maya: BOYS&GIRLS;that was played at classmate’s wedding yesterday, became even more important song.


-Maya: LIAR LIAR, the first song I’ve made when I moved to house in Tokyo.
-Aiji: It is so. We, it came to the best history.

-Maya: Eh, what, I seem to cry.

-Maya: LIAR LIAR, the first song I’ve made when I moved to house in Tokyo.
-Aiji: It was so. We, it came to the best history.
-Maya: I made a bother. I became saying that I want to change all the melody and the key, after both drum and bass were already recorded.

-Maya: I feel like recording now.

-LMCstaff: jump jump!!! #BKKGGL

-Maya: Are you flying?

-Aiji: I come off! _| ̄|○ #BKKGGL

-Maya: Rrrriiiight! The last ooOooOoone!!!!!

-Maya: Don’t forget to keep the track of the swaying piercings in my left ear.
-Maya: Oh, that’s not enough.

-Aiji: I mean like, all the way completely! ϵ( 'Θ' )϶

-Maya: Youth is the best.

-Maya: Thank you, Sapporo is the best!!!!!!

-Maya: YOU’re the best!!! @Aiji_LMC @LMC_staff @makkana_mACKAz @SASSYdrums @NomNom_GJ @DENKI_MAN_LMC @seizy8 @ishiiyuya @jun_murayama #BKKGGL

-Aiji: The best of the happiest! Sapporo, Thank you!!

-Maya: Updated blog. ★BKK-GGL★Sapporo

-DENKI_MAN: ・・・・(;゚∀゚)=3

-MAD MAYA: Sounds like you had fun. #BKKGGL

-DENKI_MAN: Friends, members, Teamers, the ppl who were just passing by, you’re all the best!!

-Aiji: Next time I will meet your best smiles in real!

-Aiji: Updated blog. ☆BKK-GGL☆@ Sapporo


Translated by: LMC translations

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Twitter translations: ★#BKKGGL★ Empty Re: Twitter translations: ★#BKKGGL★

Post by MAD_lambochan Sat Apr 02, 2011 2:07 pm

i love this air_lmc and BKKGGL.. :3

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Twitter translations: ★#BKKGGL★ Empty Re: Twitter translations: ★#BKKGGL★

Post by mad_jumonjie Sat Apr 09, 2011 2:02 pm

Thank youuu for the translations <3

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