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People not crediting my art on tumblr.

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People not crediting my art on tumblr. Empty People not crediting my art on tumblr.

Post by Kei Thu Jun 30, 2011 3:51 pm

I'm sick and tired of people posting my art places without crediting me or even asking if they can.

Mostly I'm pissed off that their post of MY art has more notes than my post of my art.

So please can everyone reblog this post here, so thst people know this person is posting art without asking the artists or crediting. It's actually really upsetting for the artists.

kingxxqueen shizuka
@Ore_wa_Kei it says on her little "about me" thing that none of the fan art is hers...and that she got it from DA or w/e.

Ore_wa_Kei Kei Miyamoto (宮本 蛍)
@kingxxqueen yes but she doesn't say who the artist is and she does not link back to them or give them proper credit.

Ore_wa_Kei Kei Miyamoto (宮本 蛍)
@kingxxqueen she gets the art from DA, which means she knows who the artists are and it would take no time to add a link to credit.

Ore_wa_Kei Kei Miyamoto (宮本 蛍)
@kingxxqueen ALSO. she did not ASK to post my art at least, and probably didn't ask others either. and that pisses me off.

kingxxqueen shizuka
@Ore_wa_Kei Valid enough.

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People not crediting my art on tumblr. Empty Re: People not crediting my art on tumblr.

Post by MAD Rukii Sun Jul 03, 2011 9:07 pm

;_ _; yo creo que ver algo tan bonito es inevitable no quererlo, pero tienes razon deben ponerle el credito de uno... u_u
MAD Rukii
MAD Rukii

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